These requirements have been developed by the Kazakhstan’s Medical University “KSPH” (hereinafter – KMU “KSPH”). 

The scientific-practical journal “Medicine, Science and Education” (hereinafter referred to as the Journal) publishes literature reviews, results of original research, and case studies related to clinical medicine and public health.

The authors of scientific articles and the primary audience of the publication include health care organizers and specialists, practicing physicians, researchers from research institutes, national centers, and academic staff from higher education institutions in Kazakhstan, CIS countries, and beyond, as well as master’s and doctoral students, residency trainees, and young researchers in the fields of medicine and science.

The journal was established in 2000 by the Kazakhstan Higher School of Public Health with the support of Virginia Commonwealth University.

Publisher: LLP “Kazakhstan’s Medical University ‘KSPH’.” 

Since 2001, the scientific-practical journal “Medicine, Science and Education” has been published quarterly and registered with the Committee on Information of the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The journal is registered with the International Center for the Registration of Serial Publications ISSN (UNESCO, Paris, France) and holds the ISSN: 1609 – 8692 (print).

The main thematic focus of the journal is the publication of materials on medical education, healthcare organization, medical science, and practice.

The journal is comprised of the following sections:

I. Literature Reviews

II. Public Health

III. Experimental and Clinical Medicine

IV. Medical Education

Publication Frequency – quarterly.

The submitted document must be original and not previously published in other printed publications. Scientific articles can be submitted in kazakh, russian, or english. Articles that do not meet these requirements will not be considered by the journal’s editorial board.


1. Verification of the Scientific Article’s Relevance to the Journal’s Focus

2. Technical Check of the Scientific Article’s Text

3. Plagiarism Check. A scientific article is accepted for publication if it contains no more than 15% of borrowed text.

4. Peer Review. Articles submitted to the editorial office undergo a double-blind peer review process, where the reviewers are unaware of the authors’ identities, and the authors are unaware of the reviewers’ identities. If reviewers have questions, the article is returned to the authors for revision. The editorial office reserves the right to request the original data on which calculations were based if questions arise about the quality of statistical processing. The editorial office also reserves the right to make editorial changes to the text, provided they do not alter the meaning of the article.

5. Assignment of a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for each article after it is reviewed and approved by the editorial board.

6. Publication of the Scientific Article.


The electronic version of the scientific article prepared in Microsoft Word must be submitted through the ONLINE ARTICLE SUBMISSION SYSTEM at](

Additionally, a cover letter from the authors (see Form 1) and author information (see Form 2) must be attached. These forms must be signed and sent to the email address: (the subject line must specify “Article for the Journal”).

The cover letter will help the journal’s editorial board gain an overall understanding of your article, highlighting your key findings and their implications, and demonstrating why your article is of interest.

Form 1. Sample Cover Letter to the Editorial Office

To be completed in a separate file.

To the Editorial Board 

Scientific-Practical Journal 

“Medicine, Science and Education” 


(Full name(s) of the author(s), academic degree, title, position, affiliation, email, and phone number) 

I (We) hereby submit the prepared article titled “ARTICLE TITLE*” with number of pages, number of tables, number of figures, for consideration and publication in the “SECTION TITLE*” section.

I (We) agree to the terms of publication. I (We) confirm that the materials presented in this article have not been published and are not under consideration in any other printed publication. The author(s) confirm(s) that there is no conflict of interest. I (We) have no objection to the reproduction of this article in other media (including electronic).

I (We) give consent for the processing of personal data.


(Full name)                                                  (signature)                                         (date, month, year)

(Full name)                                                  (signature)                                         (date, month, year)

(Full name)                                                  (signature)                                         (date, month, year)

(Full name)                                                  (signature)                                         (date, month, year)

Form 2. Sample Author Information

Author Information (* fields are mandatory and should be filled out in a separate MS Word file).

Corresponding Author Information*

Full name (last name, first name, middle name)*

Academic Degree / Title (or type of study)*

Organization, Position (full name)*

Phone Number *



SPIN (if available)*

Author-ID (if available)*

Co-Author(s) Information

Full name (last name, first name, middle name)*

Academic Degree / Title (or type of study)*

Organization, Position (full name)*

Phone Number *



SPIN (if available)*

Author-ID (if available)*

*Note: Information must be provided for all co-authors of the article according to Form 2.*

*The corresponding author is one of the authors responsible for maintaining contact and communication with the journal’s editorial office. The complete details of the corresponding author must be provided first, including phone number, email address, and any other relevant contact information. Afterward, details of additional authors should be provided: (full surname and initials, academic degree, academic title, organization, position, phone number, email, ORCID, and any other author codes, if available).

It is mandatory to specify the ORCID registration number for all authors. This is necessary for readers to identify other articles by the authors and to enhance their citation count. If the authors do not have an ORCID registration number, they should create one by following this link: [](    

If available, SPIN codes should also be indicated. To obtain a SPIN code, you can follow this link: [](


1. In the upper left corner, indicate the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) index. This index is mandatory for all publishing products and for the retrieval of information in exact and natural sciences in each scientific article. You can refer to the UDC reference guide here: [](   

  1. Below the UDC index, in the left corner, include the Interstate Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information (IRTI). The IRSTI is designed for the unified thematic systematization of scientific and technical information (STI). The interstate rubricator serves as the basis for classifiers created and used in STI agencies. The IRSTI represents a hierarchical classification system with a universal thematic scope. You can access the IRSTI reference guide here: [](


  1. Structure of a Scientific Article:

1) UDC (Universal Decimal Classification)

2) IRSTI (Interstate Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information)

3) Title of the Article

4) Full Name(s) of Author(s) (co-authors)

5) Affiliation, Country, City

(Organization, University, College; if the author is a student, indicate the type of education)

6) Abstract

7) Keywords

8) Introduction

9) Methods (Theoretical Foundations)

10) Results

11) Discussion

12) References / Transliterated References

In the scientific article, the full names and initials of each author must be provided, with the corresponding author indicated by an asterisk (*).


Ким Алексей Сергеевич (kazakh and russian)/Kim Aleksey (english)

Article Structuring According to Journal Sections and Types of Submission:

It is recommended to use the commonly accepted structure of a scientific article based on the IMRAD format.

The IMRAD acronym stands for Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. If the article is focused on theoretical research, the Methods section can be replaced with Theoretical Basis. Sometimes, the IMRAD structure is extended to AIMRAD, where the letter A represents Abstract. This format, developed in the 1970s, has become standard for articles based on empirical and original research.

For writing a clinical case, the following commonly accepted structure is recommended:

– Introduction

– Patient Information

– Clinical Manifestations

– Chronology

– Assessment of Diagnosis

– Evaluation of Therapy

– Re-examination and Outcomes

– Discussion

– Conclusions

– Informed Consent

For writing a review article, the following structure is recommended:

– Introduction

– The Main Part

– Conclusions

Table 1. Terms and Definitions Used in the Structure of the Article

Title of the Article Section

Explanation of the Structure According to Journal Requirements


Название статьи

Font Requirements: Font: Times New Roman

– Weight: Bold. Size: 12-point. The title should be provided in three languages.  Format: Title should be in uppercase letters and bold.  Title Guidelines:

The title of the work should be as concise as possible (no more than 180 characters), informative, and accurately reflect its content. Avoid titles in the form of questions or titles that can be interpreted ambiguously. The use of abbreviations (acronyms) in the title of the article is not recommended. Standard abbreviations (acronyms) can be used in the text, but the full term that the abbreviation represents must precede its first use in the text.


Surname, first name, and patronymic of the Authors

Font Requirements for Author Names:

Font: Times New Roman. Weight: Bold. Size: 12-point. In the article, list the surname and initials of each author. Mark the corresponding author with an asterisk (*).


Ким Алексей Сергеевич (kazakh and Rrussian) / Kim Aleksey (english)



Abstract Guidelines: The abstract should be a self-contained text that focuses on the conducted research presented in the article, rather than the research topic as a whole. It should be a concise but informative summary of the article. Formulas, abbreviations, and references to the bibliography list should not be used in the abstract. It should be written in a single paragraph, not exceeding 200 words. For empirical or original research, structured abstracts with subheadings such as general introductory information, purpose, methods, results, and practical significance are encouraged. Structured abstracts should not exceed 300 words.

The abstract must be provided in three languages.


*If the article is prepared in Kazakh, you need to translate the abstract text into Russian and English.



-Abstract / Summary.


Keywords (3 to 6 words)

Keywords are specific terms from the text that represent the most significant words, by which the article can be indexed and searched. Up to 6 keywords or phrases that reflect the content and direction of the article should be provided.

Keywords must be provided in three languages.


*If the article is prepared in Kazakh, you need to translate the keywords into Russian and English.*

– Түйінді сөздер

– Ключевые слова

– Key words


Text Formatting

Text Formatting Requirements for the Article:

– Font: Times New Roman. Size: 12-point. Line Spacing: 1.5.Orientation: Portrait. Margins: Left – 3 cm, Right – 1.5 cm, Top and Bottom – 1.5 cm

– Page Numbering: Pages must be numbered up to the references section.

Tables, figures (illustrations, graphs, photographs), and their captions should be included in the same file as the main text. Large illustrative materials (such as extensive tables, figures, or images) should be provided as an additional MS Word document as an appendix to the article. All illustrative materials must be referenced in the text. Generally, the total number of tables and figures in original articles should not exceed five.



The reference list should contain a concise bibliographic description of cited works, formatted according to GOST 7.0.5–2008 standards. Bibliographic references in the text should be indicated using numbers in square brackets, corresponding to the reference list where cited works are listed in the following order: first domestic (local) works, followed by international ones.

– The surnames of foreign authors should be presented in their original transcription.

– The number of sources should be no less than 20 and no more than 50.

– It is not recommended to reference abstracts of reports, newspaper publications, unpublished observations, or personal communications.

– References must be verified by the authors against the original documents for accuracy.


The reference list should be presented in TWO versions:

1. Russian Language List (including foreign sources) formatted according to GOST 7.0.5–2008 standards.

2. Transliterated List in Latin characters with the source titles translated into English, in accordance with **Scopus database requirements. You can use a free transliteration program for converting Russian text to Latin at [](   (select either the BGN or BSI system).

Steps for Preparing References Using Automatic Transliteration and Translation:

1. Visit the online program at []( .

2. In the “Options” field, select the BGN (Board of Geographic Names) transliteration system.

3. Copy and paste the entire bibliography text (excluding book or article titles) in Russian into the provided field and click the “transliterate” button.

4. Copy the transliterated text and place it in the prepared “References” list.

5. Use Google Translator to translate the titles of articles, monographs, collections, conferences, etc., into English. Insert the translated titles into the list. The translation may require manual editing.

6. Combine the transliterated and translated descriptions, formatting them according to accepted rules. Be sure to clarify the place of publication (e.g., Moscow…) and make any necessary technical adjustments.

7. Indicate the language of the original source in parentheses at the end of the reference (e.g., (in Russian)).

This method ensures the proper presentation of your reference list in accordance with international indexing requirements.

Authors (Transliteration) → (Year in parentheses) → Title of the article in transliterated form [English translation of the article title in square brackets], Title of the Russian-language source (transliterated or in English, if available), publication details with information presented in English.


Gokhberg L., Kuznetsova T. (2011) Strategiya-2020: novye kontury rossiiskoi innovatsionnoi politiki [Strategy 2020: New Outlines of Innovation Policy]. Foresight-Russia, vol. 5, no 4, pp. 830.

Balashova S., Lazanyuk I. (2004) Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie sektora informatsionnykh tekhnologii: Indiya i Rossiya [Public Regulation of the IT Industry: India and Russia]. Issledovano v Rossii (electronic journal), vol. 7, no 199, pp. 2119–2128. Available at: (accessed 10 January 2013).

*The author is responsible for the accuracy of the bibliographic data.


For detailed information regarding the publication of scientific articles, you can contact:  8 702 333 64 04 (Zamira Zhantenova).